Friday, June 15, 2007

Dear YM

Embarrassing moment of the day:

Yesterday, not unlike many other days, I spent stuck inside in front of a computer reading boring scientific articles. By the time work was over, I was bouncing with restless energy. I was in one of those moods when I was just plain “full of beans” (I’m bringing that saying back). Ironically, I had beans for dinner the night before.

Anyway, at volleyball, Bry and I were sitting on the sidelines and teasing each other a little. I thought it’d be funny if I put some sand down her pants, so I grabbed a pinch, impulsively, and slipped it down the elastic of her underwear. Okay, not so funny, but I was in a weird mood. To let me know how unfunny it was, Bryanna quickly yells out, “hey! What’d you do THAT for?!” … “oh, sorry, couldn’t resist. Just stand up and shake it out”.

See this happens to me weekly, when I dive for balls and such, and I’m used to being covered in sand by the end of our games, and shaking it off my body even a day later, sometimes. I gave no thought to the fact that this might be a little bit different for boys than girls.

Bryanna set me straight.

With increasing volume, she explained “It’s not funny. It’s not THAT EASY, Sean! It’s going to get in my VAGINA!!!!”

I whispered, “sorry, I didn’t think about that. Normally, I just shake my shorts and it comes out”

“Yeah,” she cranked the volume up to full blast, “well, YOU have EXTERNAL GENITALIA!!!!”

Seriously, I think people in Mexico heard, and gave a funny look North. I was mortified, and learned my lesson, thoroughly.
